Monday, November 26, 2012
Man Down!
Ahhhhh! I have been neglecting my blog in a terrible way. You may have thought I drowned in all of the turkey and gravy I ate this past week, but I didn't. It's worse. My computer completely died on me. All of those files, pictures, everything.... gone. Luckily, it's Cyber Monday and the husband is working his little tail off to order me a new computer from Best Buy as we speak. I hope to be back on track by the end of the week. Thank you for your understanding. Can't wait to be back!
Friday, November 9, 2012
Ready for Winter! {Freebie Friday}
On my way in to school today they were talking on the radio about whether or not it's ok to put your christmas tree up now or if you should wait until after Thanksgiving. Hmmm... What do you think? I haven't decided for my self yet BUT I have decided I am readyyyy for winter. Not because I love the cold, but because the sooner it gets here, the sooner it gets outta here. In light of my excitement for winter I created a little classroom activity pack for winter. It's great for the little guys, perfect for using up some down time (does that even exist?). It's mostly fun and games, but there's a little letter sound activity and word search to get them thinking. :) Here it is!
If you love this activity pack, and the one I made for Halloween, theres more where they came from! I plan to put them together for each holiday/season. Enjoy! And have a FaBuLoUS weekend!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
A new kind of lesson {Webby Wednesday}
A day late... story of my life for the past 2 weeks. Better late than never right? Let's get right to the point. I love using PowerPoint. It's so convenient and easy but in a time of Smartboards and Mimios the PowerPoint presentation has kind of fallen to the wayside in schools. While a student teacher we had to attend a little workshop about this presentation website called "Prezi". Little did I know Prezi was going to be the bomb-dot-com!
It's a free website (free to register, free to use) where you can create awesome presentations for your class. It's interactive, detailed, easy and fun. I created one about South America for my 2nd graders. It looked like a classroom but when they clicked on the books, they opened. When they clicked on the alphabet, it showed them a native animal that started with that letter. I will admit it did take a little while to learn but if you're a little tech savvy, it should be a breeze! Go check it out, I guarantee your students will love it.
If you're interested in seeing or using my South America presentation, leave me a comment with your e-mail address. I would be happy to send it to you!
** TIP: You can learn a lot from watching tutorials and the example presentations provided on the website. Good Luck!
It's a free website (free to register, free to use) where you can create awesome presentations for your class. It's interactive, detailed, easy and fun. I created one about South America for my 2nd graders. It looked like a classroom but when they clicked on the books, they opened. When they clicked on the alphabet, it showed them a native animal that started with that letter. I will admit it did take a little while to learn but if you're a little tech savvy, it should be a breeze! Go check it out, I guarantee your students will love it.
If you're interested in seeing or using my South America presentation, leave me a comment with your e-mail address. I would be happy to send it to you!
** TIP: You can learn a lot from watching tutorials and the example presentations provided on the website. Good Luck!
{Here it is:}
Have a great Thursday!
Monday, November 5, 2012
I needed a laugh....
This one makes me laugh every time. Thought I would share!

I can't help but think of my sweet students whose words sometimes come out hillariously different than they are supposed to. :)
Superstorm SUPER Slacker {Munchy Monday}
It's official... I got behind from the chaos of Superstorm Sandy and I officially became a blog slacker. I was stuck out of state, unable to travel home, then when I finally got home I had too much to do. Even worse, in all of the chaos, I have been eating terrible things for days now. Time to get back on track. The gym in our basement (that used to be outside but had to move because the weather is getting too cold) is up and running as of yesterday so I have no excuse.
Since I dislike sandwiches in a major way, I always have loose fruits and vegetables hanging around in my lunch box. I can only eat so many celery sticks and carrots before I need a change. I also happen to love spicy stuff. Not super spicy, but just a little kick. So I threw together this dip for my lunch veggies.
It's a jalapeno ranch dip. 3 ingredients and easy peasy.
1 pack of Hidden Valley Ranch (The powder, found in the regular dressing aisle)
8 oz of Fat Free Sour Cream
1 small can of diced jalapenos
Put all of the ingredients in the blender and let it blend until the jalapenos are diced down into tiny pieces. Refrigerate then serve.
**NOTE: For a "hotter" dip, include the juice from the jalapenos. For a milder dip, drain the juice before putting the jalapenos in. (I drain the juice in a small bowl on the side and then gradually add it until it's perfect for me.)
This dip is ah-mazing with tortilla chips. But if we are being healthy, stick to eating it with veggies. It will keep for quite a while in the refrigerater. It's delicious and not so bad for you. A great alternative to the regular veggie dip and it's also great on tacos!
Add a little kick to your day and try it out!
Have a great monday!
Since I dislike sandwiches in a major way, I always have loose fruits and vegetables hanging around in my lunch box. I can only eat so many celery sticks and carrots before I need a change. I also happen to love spicy stuff. Not super spicy, but just a little kick. So I threw together this dip for my lunch veggies.
It's a jalapeno ranch dip. 3 ingredients and easy peasy.
1 pack of Hidden Valley Ranch (The powder, found in the regular dressing aisle)
8 oz of Fat Free Sour Cream
1 small can of diced jalapenos
Put all of the ingredients in the blender and let it blend until the jalapenos are diced down into tiny pieces. Refrigerate then serve.
**NOTE: For a "hotter" dip, include the juice from the jalapenos. For a milder dip, drain the juice before putting the jalapenos in. (I drain the juice in a small bowl on the side and then gradually add it until it's perfect for me.)
This dip is ah-mazing with tortilla chips. But if we are being healthy, stick to eating it with veggies. It will keep for quite a while in the refrigerater. It's delicious and not so bad for you. A great alternative to the regular veggie dip and it's also great on tacos!
Add a little kick to your day and try it out!
Have a great monday!
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